Contact Lens Remover: Take Off Your Lenses Correctly

For those who wear hard and gas permeable contact lenses, it is essential to own a contact lens remover. Occasionally, it becomes hard to remove these lenses with the normal “popping out” method. Hard contact lenses tends to stick to the eye firmly by suction to the cornea. A contact lens remover will help a lot in this situations. Optometrists or ophthalmologists usually recommend when to use a contact lens remover specially if the wearer keeps on losing them and keeps on asking for new prescriptions.

If you know how to properly use a contact lens remover, taking off a hard contact lens will be easy as 123. You have to make sure that you are wearing a contact lens before trying to remove them. Most people who make assumptions that they are still wearing a contact lens even if they’re not, often hurt their eyes by poking it with a contact lens remover. To check if you are wearing a contact lens, look through a mirror and observe the reflection of the lenses.

If you are certain that you are wearing a contact lens, place a drop of rewetting solution on both your eyes to lubricate the lenses. Dampen the contact lens remover’s suction cup with a drop of rewetting solution.

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This next step is a little tricky but it’ll be easier as soon as you get the hang of it. Place the contact lens remover directly and squarely on the front of the contact lens. The lens will attach to the plunger at this point. Pull the plunger gently, and straight back from the eye. The lens will come out quickly, follow the same method to remove the other contact lens.

Keep in mind that you should avoid placing the contact lens remover on the surface of the eye because it could cause corneal abrasion or other eye injuries. One more thing, do not use a contact lens remover if you are using a soft lens. Consult an eye doctor, if ever you are still having a hard time removing a contact lens even if its lubricated properly.

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